Welcome to another TWH Sunday Edition. 👋
You may have noticed that, since the last issue, I have refrained from adding my commentary, opting to include a quote from each article instead. Here’s why:
The quote still helps you decide whether you’re interested in clicking through.
Even if you don’t have the time or inclination to read the full article, the quote hopefully gives you a key idea to quickly take away.
So, kick back and enjoy these 5 good reads (or simply their excerpts). ☕️
And if you like what you read, please consider hitting the ❤️ button and sharing it.
(Total reading time: 30 min)
✍️ TBM 212: A Problem vs. The Problem
(John Cutler • 2 min read)
‘Companies move massive sums of money, energy, time, sweat, and tears based on their shared understanding of "problems," yet the language around "problems" is often flawed. I have a theory about why this is the case.’
✍️ A Stoic Response to Complaining
(Daily Stoic • 5 min read)
“Either you can handle whatever obstacle life throws your way…or you can’t. If you can, for your own sake, don’t make the challenge at hand more difficult by brooding about it! Complaining only makes a bad situation worse. It only lets the annoying behavior of someone else linger amongst you longer. And something so severe that it’s unendurable means your own destruction.”
✍️ What Is My Vision of Myself?
(Ed Batista • 5 min read)
“I took a look at my life and asked some important questions: What is my vision of myself and how many hours of the day go toward that? How many hours take me away from that? It proved to be a very useful measure of how I spend my life. It's easy to draw! Just look at one day and see how many hours go toward aspects of your life that feel aligned and how many move away. Also, where do those hours fall in the day?”
✍️ Leadership Tip 21: How to Know if People Are Working Hard
(Johanna Rothman • 5 min read)
“People are thinking—and working—even when they're not at their computers. That's why personal productivity is meaningless. Stop the spying efforts. Instead, ask people to measure their flow metrics. Even better, ask managers to measure their flow metrics. Too many managers suffer from too much WIP, aging decisions, and decision delay time.”
✍️ There Is No Truth in Business, Only Knowledge
(Cedric Chin • 13 min read)
“I think many of us treat the domain of business as one of immutable truths. And why wouldn’t we? The idea that the world consists of unchanging principles is a frame that is implicitly communicated to us in primary school, all the way through to most specialisations in university. We think that it is possible to learn several foundational ‘truths’, from which we may derive everything interesting about the reality. This is the basic frame that underpins chemistry and physics, biology and math.”
That’s it for this week’s Sunday Edition. Thanks for reading The Weekly Hagakure! And if you liked this, please consider hitting the ❤️ button and sharing the post.
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